Linda's Project

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

November's Afghans

This month, I donated 9 afghans made with the yarn from G~'s grandmother. And 21 afghans with the yarn from Auntie M.

Above: the 9 from G~'s grandmothers yarn, and below from Auntie M

Hannah donated 2 afghans that she made from Auntie M's yarn. Here she is in the waiting room of the clinic with them.

Here's a pic of the kids in the waiting room. You can see all the bags of afghans waiting to be turned in. That's a big fish tank that Abby and Zach are looking at. There are more chairs on the other side, so you can view it from both sides.

I'm really shocked that I was able to get 77 afghans done this year. Yes, they are lap afghans, but still...77! My goal for the year was 45. I couldn't have done it without the yarn donations. Yarn is very expensive. And I am very thankful for the donations. Now I'll have to think about a goal for next year. I still have yarn left to use, but I won't start working on them until after Christmas. Calen doesn't go to the clinic again until May of next year. He has dropped down to every 6 months visit. So I may be making extra trips to drop off afghans. That's ok, we'll just go shopping in the big city. :)